Implement REST Integration Services

Service Base

  • For each REST integration service there will be an abstract class Service Base generated in the SDK.

  • The Service Base provides access to the integration entity builder and the event producer.

  • The Service Base contains one abstract method named execute.

  • This execute method needs to be implemented in the generated implementation file for the service.

Input & output entity

  • Service execute method will take a modelled Input Entity as a parameter.

  • Service execute method will return a modelled Output Entity as a return type.

Business errors

  • If service is modelled with Business Errors, it will be added as throws declaration to service execute method.

Injecting an API provider

  • It's very common to inject generated API Providers for an API Dependency and use them to integrate with external / internal APIs.
    //... other imports

    // Import CreditIscoreApiIScore API provider from *iscore* integration namespace

    // Declare integration API provider
    private final CreditIscoreApiIScore iscoreApi;
    // Adjust your generated integration service implementation constructor 
    // to inject Iscore integration namespace API provider
    public CheckIscoreService(IntegrationEntityBuilder entityBuilder, EventProducerService eventProducer CreditIscoreApiIScore iscoreApi) {
        super(entityBuilder, eventProducer);

        this.iscoreApi = iscoreApi;

Implementation example

Example of CheckIscore service implementation file.

    //... imports

    // Import CreditIscoreApiIScore api provider from *iscore* integration namespace

    // Import IscoreResult from Iscore integration namespace API provider

    public class CheckIscoreService extends CheckIscoreServiceBase {

        private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CheckIscoreService.class);

        private final CreditIscoreApiIScore iscoreApi;
        // Adjust your generated integration service constructor to inject Iscore API provider
        public CheckIscoreService(IntegrationEntityBuilder entityBuilder,
                                  EventProducerService eventProducer, 
                                  CreditIscoreApiIScore iscoreApi) {
            super(entityBuilder, eventProducer);

            this.iscoreApi = iscoreApi;

        // Example of a service implementation logic
        public IscoreCheck execute(Account accountDetails) throws IscoreCheckError {"CheckIscoreService.execute()");

        try {
            ResponseEntity<IscoreResult> iscoreResult = 

        } catch(Exception e) {
            String errorMessage = String.format("Iscore check failed %s" ,e.getMessage());
            throw new IscoreCheckError(errorMessage);
        IscoreCheck iscoreCheck = this.entityBuilder.getIscore().getIscoreCheck().build();

        return iscoreCheck;