

Once a project is built and deployed to a k5-project, there is information that can be accessed. There are two possibilities to access the deployed projects.

Manage projects via Solution Hub

Within the Solution Hub all projects deployed by IBM Industry Solutions Workbench are shown. Besides that, the user has access to all deployments within a k5-project.

Manage projects via Solution Envoy

Users can access the Solution Envoys' dashboard via the DNS name of the Solution Envoy. A Solution Envoy is the agent that is capable of showing deployed projects built with the Solution Designer.

The Solution Envoy is installed in a so called tethered namespace. This special setup allows the main namespace (e.g. k5-tools) to control it in terms of re-using permissions and several infrastructure components like Helm. Setting up a new namespace is described here.

A detailed description of the available information is provided here. In addition, you can use the OpenShift Developer perspective to access additional information about the deployed projects.


To ensure the correct metering in the sense of complying to the license, it is necessary to retrieve the metering information via a provided REST API.

Please follow the instructions to retrieve the metering information here