Business Event Support


When developing modern applications, messaging using event streaming platforms like Apache Kafka is often used to communicate between services. Especially for services with a lot of business logic, it makes sense to complement business use cases by using eventing, so that those events can be consumed by others.

Business Event Support in IBM Industry Solutions Workbench

The Business Event Support Extension establishes an easy way to apply event driven architecture into a domain service, by providing enriched modelling and implementation capabilities.

The extension is available for the following stacks:

  • Java Spring Boot Stack 2.0.0 and later
  • Java Spring Boot Stack 1.0.0 (only for Domain services and always enabled)
  • NodeJS TypeScript Stack (only for Domain services and always enabled)

The extension is only available if Domain Modelling Extension is enabled as well.

Business Event Support offers the capability to model business events within a domain namespace, which indicate, that something happened within in a business context. A business event payload is described by a schema from a shared schema registry which can be managed in the Solution Designer UI. Business events are meant to be consumed by agents, which can be modelled as well within a domain namespace. To learn more about modelling business events, please check Domain Modelling - Events and Domain Modelling - Agents.

For a smooth implementation, there are various code artefacts generated, which allow to easily publish events within a domain context. The necessary dependencies are added to the project automatically and also the connection to the event streaming platform is established out of the box. Besides that, the generated code around agents ensures, that the events can be consumed easily while staying compliant with the schemas used in the payload. To find out more about the implementation capabilities please check Java Spring Boot Implementation and NodeJS TypeScript Implementation.