Implement Error handling

When implementing domain logic, there are three types of errors which can happen and need to be handled:

  • Business errors which can occur if business conditions are not met, but are expected to happen
  • Validation errors
  • General errors (all others)

Throw business errors

For every modelled business error, the SDK offers functionality to throw it.

Within the implementation file of a service, command or agent the following code can be used to throw a business error:

throw this.factory.error.nsacrnm.MyBusinessError();

Every error thrown in an implementation file should be handled latest in the errorHandler method of the API operation.

Handle errors

In the implementation file of a service, command, agent and operation error instance check can be done by using isInstanceOf functionality, thus enable to code handling logic for different error instances.

Handling business errors

To safely handle a business error that was modelled in the Solution Designer use the following code:

try {
  // call a service which might throw a business error
} catch (e) {
  // check whether the error matches any of the errors modelled in Solution Designer      
  if (this.isInstanceOf.businessError.ns1.NoBalanceAvailable(e)) {
    // now can handle this specific business error

  if (this.isInstanceOf.error.ValidationError(e)) {
    // now can handle this validation error

  if (this.isInstanceOf.businessError.ns2.NoCustomerFound(e)) {
    // now can handle this specific business error

Handling general errors

These are the general errors that can occur. To safely handle an error, use the following code:

try {
  // execute some logic
} catch (e) {

  // check whether the validation of an entity (used as input or instance) fails
  if (this.isInstanceOf.error.ValidationError(e)) {
    // now can handle this validation error
  // check for a child of abstract BusinessError
  if (this.isInstanceOf.error.BusinessError(e)) {
    // now can handle this Business error

  // check whether an  action (e.g. a command) is not currently available
  if (this.isInstanceOf.error.ActionNotAvailableError(e)) {
    // now can handle this ActionNotAvailable error

  // check whether an aggregate is found in the datastore
  if (this.isInstanceOf.error.AggregateNotFound(e)) {
    // now can handle this AggregateNotFound error

  // check whether an external request (i.e. this.util.request) caused an error
  if (this.isInstanceOf.error.ExternalRequestError(e)) {
    // now can handle this ExternalRequest error
  // check whether an internal request caused an error
  if (this.isInstanceOf.error.InternalRequestError(e)) {
    // now can handle this InternalRequest error

  // check for GeneralError
  if (this.isInstanceOf.error.GeneralError(e)) {
    // now can handle this general error

The hierarchy of error consists of GeneralError, ValidationError and BusinessError, where ValidationError and BusinessError extend GeneralError.