
When aggregate persistence support is enabled, the SDK provides access to the database through a repository. Using this, the connection to the underlying database is automatically established. As Aggregates are considered as a persistable unit, one repository per root entity is created which allows to read items from the database. Each of the returned instances offer a persist and delete method which can be used for saving and deleting data in the database.

Access the repository

The repository is provided within the scope of command, service or agent implementations. The root entities are grouped within namespaces.

  // access repository


The find method offered by the repository allows to load one or many aggregates from the database. It takes a RepositoryFindConfiguration as first input parameter and a filter expression as a second parameter. Using the parameters, the returned result can be influenced.


// load all instances of a certain root entity type from the database
const rootEntityInstances = await this.repo.ns.RootEntityIdentifier.find();

// loop over instances
for (const inst of rootEntityInstances) {
  // do something
  // ...

Example using find configuration and filter expression:

// create a special find configuration
const findConfiguration = {
  // include child instances - default is false
  includeSubentities: true,
  // restrict the received result to a maximum amount - format is "<offset>,<amount>"
  limit: "0,20",
  // overwrites the sort order of the received instances - format is "<localIdentifier>,<ASC|DESC>"
  sortBy: "customerID,DESC"

// create a filter expression that only returns items with a special name
const filterExpression = `name == "${name}"`;

// load instances from database
const rootEntityInstances = await this.repo.ns.RootEntityIdentifier.find(findConfiguration, filterExpression);

A more detailed description of filter expressions is available at filter expressions

Find by id

The findById method offered by the repository allows to load one exact aggregate from the database by using the provided id. The id is an auto generated uuid which is e.g. used when a root entity is referenced in another entity. In case that an instance with the provided id cannot be found in the database, an AggregateNotFoundError will be thrown.


// load instance from database
const rootEntityInstance = await this.repo.ns.RootEntityIdentifier.findById(`EntityId`);

// save instance in database
await rootEntityInstance.persist();

// delete instance from database
await rootEntityInstance.delete();

Factory Commands

The repository also provides access to the factory commands of a root entity. To find out more about this, please check Trigger Commands.